The following selection from 2010-2020 is categorised into four areas: Socialism in Power (with a focus on Chinese Marxism); Soviet Marxism; Western Marxism; Marxist economics of the ancient world. These four areas also have a temporal progression, moving from current research to earlier research.
Roland Boer
![Roland Boer](
Socialism in Power (The Philosophy of Constructing Socialism)
Forthcoming Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. Estimated completion: 2020.
In press Friedrich Engels and The Foundations of Socialist Governance. Chinese version: Renmin University Press. Submitted 3 August 2019. English version: Sinistra Publishing.
Book Chapters
In press ‘(U)topia and China’. The Palgrave Handbook of Utopian and Dystopian Literature. Eds. Peter Marks, Fátima Vieira and Jennifer Wagner-Lawlor. Singapore: Springer/Palgrave Macmillan.
2019 ‘Xi Jinping’s China: Keeping the Imagination Alive Under Socialism in Power’. Socialist Imaginations: Utopias, Myths, and the Masses. Eds. Stefan Arvidsson, Jakub Beneš and Anja Kirsch. London: Routledge, pp. 244-64.
2019 ‘The State and Minority Nationalities (Ethnic Groups) in China’. In The Palgrave Handbook of Ethnicity. Ed. Steven Ratuva. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan (Springer), pp. 93-107.
2019 ‘Multiculturalism in a Multinational State: The Case of China’. Multiculturalism and the Need for Recognition & The Border: World Configurations of the 21st Century. Eds. Anamaria Fălăuş and Ligia Tomoiagă. Bucureşti: Eikon, 75-99.
2017 ‘社会主义 矛盾论新探’. (A New Probe Into the Theory of Socialist Contradictions). 启蒙、历史观与马克思主义辩证法 (Enlightenment, Historical View and Marxist Dialectics). Guizhou: Guizhou renmin chubanshe, pp. 140-56.
2017 ‘马克思主义中的一股“暖流”’. (A “Warm Current” in the Midst of Marxism). 启蒙、历史观与马克思主义辩证法 (Enlightenment, Historical View and Marxist Dialectics). Guizhou: Guizhou renmin chubanshe, pp. 16-27.
2015 ‘弗里德里希·恩格斯:在评价’ (Friedrich Engels: A Reappraisal). 马克思恩格斯与当代社会主义暨纪念恩格斯逝世120周年国际学术研讨会 (Marx and Engels and Contemporary Socialism – The 120thAnniversary of the Death of Friedrich Engels). Ed. Yu Liangzao et al. Nanjing: Nanjing Normal University, pp. 23-34.
Journal Articles
Under review ‘China’s Socialist Market Economy: Philosophical Foundations’. New Proposals.
Under review ‘Domenico Losurdo in China: An Insight Into the State of Marxist Education and the CPC’. Socialism and Democracy.
Under review ‘Socialism and the Market: The East European Background’. New Proposals.
In press ‘Sovereignty and Human Rights: A Comparison between Western European and Chinese Marxist Traditions’. Marxist Studies in China.
In press ‘Friedrich Engels and the Enmeshed Nature of Socialist Governance’. Iştirakî. To be published in Turkish.
In press ‘Friedrich Engels and the Dying Away of the State’. Iştirakî. To be published in Turkish.
In press ‘Friedrich Engels and the Proletarian Dictatorship’. Iştirakî. To be published in Turkish.
2020 ‘Seeking a Xiaokang Society: Deng Xiaoping and the Reinterpretation of the Confucian Tradition in Chinese Marxism’. Berlin Journal of Critical Theory 4.1: 181-210.
2019 ‘人类命运共同体的理论内涵与现实价值’ (The Theoretical Meaning and Real Value of the Community of Common Destiny for Humankind). Co-authored with Zang Fengyu. 中央社会主义学院学报 (Journal of the Central Institute of Socialism) 2019.4: 9-17.
2019 ‘Marx’s Ambivalence: State, Proletarian Dictatorship and Commune’. International Critical Thought 9.1: 109-27.
2019 ‘Human Rights, Religion and the Rule of Law: A Response’. Political Theology 20.5: 446-55.
2019 ‘Engels ve Burjuva Devleti: Ayrı Bir Kamusal Güçten Gewalt‘a’ (‘Engels and the Bourgeois State: From Separated Public Power to Gewalt’). Iştirakî 13: 41-58. Translated into Turkish.
2018 ‘世界各主要国家和地区研究报告:澳大利亚’ (Research Reports from Major Countries and Regions of the World). Co-authored with Sun Xiuli. 国外马克思主义研究报告 (Foreign Marxism Research Report),2018: 128-43.
2018 ‘Is a Socialist Civil Society Possible?’ Berlin Journal of Critical Theory 2.1: 61-82.
2018 ‘Civil Society or Bourgeois Society? An Alternative History, from Hegel to Losurdo’. Berlin Journal of Critical Theory 2.4: 5-32.
2018 ‘Blochs “Ungleichzeitigkeit” und die Widersprüche des chinesischen Sozialismus’. Das Argument: Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Sozialwissenschaften 325: 54-64.
2017 ‘马克思主义“暖流”与中国化马克思主义)’ (Marxism’s ‘Warm Stream’ Within Chinese Marxism). 社会科学季刊(Social Sciences Quarterly) 2017.3: 22-31.
2017 ‘From Berne to Yan’an: The Theoretical Breakthroughs of Lenin and Mao’. Crisis and Critique 4.2: 60-84.
2017 ‘After October: Towards a Theory of the Socialist State’. International Critical Thought 7.3: 309-26.
2016 ‘Marxism, Religion and the Taiping Revolution’. Historical Materialism 24.2: 3-24.
2016 ‘Concerning the “Warm Stream” within Marxism’. International Critical Thought 6.1: 13-28.
2016 ‘Chinese Christian Communism in the Early Twentieth Century’ (with Chin Kenpa). Religion, State and Society 44.2: 96-110.
2015 ‘Interpreting Socialism and Capitalism in China: A Dialectic of Utopia and Dystopia’. Co-authored with Li Zhixiong Utopian Studies 26.2: 309-23.
2014 ‘Socialist Democracy with Chinese Characteristics’. Crisis and Critique 1.1: 47-65.
Soviet Marxism
2017 Stalin: From Theology to the Philosophy of Socialism in Power. Beijing: Springer (262 pp.).
2013 Lenin, Religion and Theology. New York: Palgrave Macmillan (360 pp.).
Book Chapters
2014 ‘革命是一个奇迹:论列宁思想中的政治和宗教之间的可译性’ (A Revolution is a Miracle: Lenin and the Translatability of Politics and Religion). 列宁思想在二十一世纪:阐释与价值 (Lenin’s Thought in the 21st Century: Interpretation and Its Value). Ed. Wu Xinwie. Beijing: Renmin University Press, pp. 252-61.
Journal Articles
In press ‘Babel Versus Pentecost: Stalin and the Dialectics of Linguistic Diversity’. Studies in East European Thought.
2018 ‘Sergei and the “Divinely Appointed” Stalin: Church-State Relations in the Soviet Union in the Lead-up to the Cold War’. Social Sciences 7.4: 1-19.
2017 ‘Stalin’s Biblical Hermeneutics: From 2 Thessalonians 3 to Acts 4’. Journal of the Bible and Its Reception4.1: 71-89.
2016 ‘Stalin and Proleptic Communism’. Politics, Religion and Ideology 17.2-3: 162-71.
2016 ‘A Materialist Doctrine of Good and Evil: Stalin’s Revision of Marxist Anthropology’. Crisis and Critique3.1: 109-54.
2016 ‘Lenin, Sinif de Vin (Lenin, Class and Religion)’. Iştirakî 10.2: 99-118. Translated into Turkish.
2015 ‘Between Vulgar and Ruptural Dialectics: Reassessing Lenin on Hegel’. International Critical Thought5.1: 52-66.
2015 ‘Against Culturism: Reconsidering Stalin on Nation and Class’. The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review 42: 247-73.
2014 ‘Religion and Socialism: A.V. Lunacharsky and the God-Builders’. Political Theology 15.2: 188-209.
2014 ‘Lenin’s Gospels’. Biblical Interpretation 22.3: 325-45.
2014 ‘Lenin on Tolstoy: Between Imaginary Resolution and Revolutionary Christian Communism’. Science and Society 78.1: 41-60.
2013 ‘The Dilemma of Freedom of Conscience: Lenin on Religion, the National Question and the Bund’. New Politics 14.2: 61-69.
2012 ‘列宁与福音书中的比喻’ (Lenin and the Biblical Parables). 基督教文化学刊 (Journal for the Study of Christian Culture, Renmin University, Beijing) 27: 107-25. Translated into Chinese by Zhang Jing.
Western Marxism (and Religion)
2019 Red Theology: On the Christian Communist Tradition. Studies in Critical Research on Religion. Leiden: Brill.
2014 In the Vale of Tears. Historical Materialism Book Series. Leiden and Chicago: E.J. Brill and Haymarket (391 pp.).
2014 Marxist Criticism of the Hebrew Bible. London: Bloomsbury. Completely revised and largely rewritten version of Marxist Criticism of the Bible, 2003 (325 pp.).
2012 Criticism of Heaven: The Author’s Cut. Taipei: CCLM Publishing (748 pp.).
2012 Criticism of Earth: On Marx, Engels and Theology. Historical Materialism Book Series. Leiden and Chicago: E.J. Brill and Haymarket (391 pp.).
Translated into Chinese as 尘世的批判 by Chen Ying. Beijing: Renmin University Press, Beijing, 2019.
2010 Criticism of Theology. Historical Materialism Book Series. Leiden and Chicago: E.J. Brill and Haymarket (368 pp.).
2009 Criticism of Religion. Historical Materialism Book Series. Leiden and Chicago: E.J. Brill and Haymarket (304 pp.).
2007 Criticism of Heaven. Historical Materialism Book Series. Leiden and Chicago: E. J. Brill and Haymarket (496 pp.).
Translated into Chinese as 天国的批判(上)by Zhuang Zhenhua, and as 天国的批判(下)by Hu Jinhua and Lin Zhenhua. Taipei: CCLM Publishing, 2009 and 2010.
Translated into Danish as Kritik af Himlen: Om Marxisme og Teologi by Christina Petterson. Copenhagen: ANIS (Religionspædagogisk Centre), 2010.
Translated into Turkish as Cennetin Eleştirisi: Marksizm ve Teoloji by Melih Pekdemir. Istanbul: Ayrinti Yayinlari, 2013.
Book Chapters
In press ‘Marxist Economics and Theology’. Handbook of Economic Theology. Ed. Stefan Schwarzkopf. London: Routledge.
In press ‘Friedrich Engels’. Handbook of Marxism and Post-Marxism. Eds. Alex Callinicos, Stathis Kouvelakis, and Lucia Pradella.
2019 ‘The Christian State’. Bloomsbury Companion to Marx. Eds. Jeff Diamanti, Andrew Pendakis and Imre Szeman. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 107-19.
2018 ‘Marxism’. The Palgrave Handbook of Radical Theology. Eds. Christopher Rodkey and Jordan Miller. London: Palgrave Macmillan / Springer, pp. 695-704.
2018 ‘The Fetish’. The Edinburgh Critical History of Nineteenth-Century Christian Theology. Ed. Daniel Whistler. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 105-23.
2017 ‘Luther im Marxismus’. Martin Luther: Ein Christ zwischen Reformen und Moderne (1517-2017). Ed. Alberto Melloni. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 1003-15. English translation published as, ‘Luther and Marxism’, Martin Luther: A Christian between Reforms and Modernity (1517-2017). Ed. Alberto Melloni. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 953-964.
2017 ‘Karl Marx (1818-1883)’. Religion and European Philosophy: Key Thinkers from Kant to Žižek. Eds. Philip Goodchild and Hollis Phelps. London: Routledge, pp. 87-100.
2016 ‘Imperial Fetish: On Anti-Imperial Readings of the Bible’. Psychoanalytic Mediations: Between Marxist and Postcolonialist Readings. Semeia Studies. Eds. Tat-siong Benny Liew and Erin Runions. Atlanta: SBL Publications, pp. 45-64.
2016 ‘Freud, Adorno and the Ban on Images’. Psychoanalytic Mediations: Between Marxist and Postcolonialist Readings. Semeia Studies. Eds. Tat-siong Benny Liew and Erin Runions. Atlanta: SBL Publications, pp. 65-77.
2016 ‘Althusser’s Religious Revolution’. Althusser and Theology: Religion, Politics and Philosophy. Ed. Agon Hamza. Leiden: Brill, pp. 18-30.
2014 ‘Theo-Utopian Hearing: Ernst Bloch on Music’. The Dialectics of the Religious and the Secular: Studies on the Future of Religion. Ed. Michael Ott. Leiden: Brill, pp. 100-33.
2014 ‘Marx and the Christian Logic of the Secular State’. Secularisations and Their Debates: Perspectives on the Return of Religion in the Contemporary West. Eds. Matthew Sharpe and Dylan Nicholson. Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 61-73.
2013 ‘The Privatization of Eschatology and Myth: Ernst Bloch Versus Rudolf Bultmann’. The Privatization of Hope: Ernst Bloch and the Future of Utopia. Eds. Peter Thompson and Slavoj Žižek. SIC series. Durham: Duke University Press, pp. 106-20.
2013 ‘Paul of the Gaps: Agamben, Benjamin and the Puppet Player’. Paul in the Grip of the Philosophers: The Apostle Paul and Contemporary Continental Philosophy. Ed. Peter Frick. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, pp. 57-67.
2013 ‘Paul and Materialist Grace: Slavoj Žižek’s Reformation’. Paul and the Philosophers. Eds. Ward Blanton and Hent de Vries. New York: Fordham University Press, pp. 186-209.
2009 ‘Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels’. History of Western Philosophy of Religion. Volume IV: Nineteenth-Century Philosophy & Religion. Eds. Graham Oppy and Nick Trakakis. Durham: Acumen Publishing, pp. 187-97.
2009 ‘Folly to the Rich: Ernst Bloch’s Atheism in Christianity’. Caught Reading Again. Ed. R. S. Sugirtharajah. London: SCM Press, pp. 30-40.
2009 ‘Commentary: Negri, Job and the Bible’. Antonio Negri, The Labor of Job: The Biblical Text as a Parable of Human Labor. Translated by Matteo Mandarini. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, pp. 109-28.
Translated into Chinese as ‘奈格里, 约伯与圣经’, In 约伯之工(The Labor of Job). Taipei: CCLM, 2013, pp. 147-70. Translated by David Kuo.
Journal Articles
2017 ‘Marksizm ve Selametin Tarihi (Heilsgeschichte) [Marxism and Salvation History]’. Iştirakî 11: 99-116. Translated into Turkish.
2016 ‘Calvin, Althusser and the Cunning of Myth: What to Do After the Revolution’. Critical Research on Religion 4.2:199-207.
2015 ‘Translating Politics and Religion: A New Model’. Stasis 3.2: 10-28. Russian translation: ‘Perevod politiki i religii: novaia model’’. Stasis 3.2: 30-51.
2014 ‘The Reverend and Friedrich Engels, or, the Radical Calvinism of F.W. Krummacher’. Studia Historyczne62.1: 41-53.
2014 ‘当代批评理论和西方神学’ (Contemporary Critical Theory and Western Theology). 比较文学与世界文学 (Comparative Literature and World Literature), December 2014: 99-113. Translated into Chinese by Qin Lanjun. Published by Peking University Press.
2014 ‘“All Things Are in Common”: Theology and Politics in Luther Blissett’s Q’. International Socialism: A Quarterly Journal of Socialist Theory 141 (Winter): 139-59.
2013 ‘A Totality of Ruins: Adorno on Kierkegaard’. Cultural Critique 83 (Winter): 1-30.
2013 ‘Revolution in the Event: The Problem of Kairós’. Theory, Culture and Society 30.2: 116-34.
2013 ‘马克思,恩格斯与宗教’ (Marx, Engels and Religion). 陕西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)Journal of Shaanxi Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition) 2 (2013): 111-15. Translated by Li Hua.
2012 ‘Towards Unethical Insurgency’. Rethinking Marxism: A Journal of Economics, Culture & Society 25.1: 38-51. Translated into Chinese as ‘走向无伦理学的反叛’, 马克思与现实 (Marxism and Reality) 2015.1: 131-38.
2012 ‘The Immeasurably Creative Politics of Job: Antonio Negri and the Bible’. Sub-Stance 129 (41.3): 93-108. Translated into Chinese as ‘约伯不可度量的创造政治学:论安东尼奥·奈格里与圣经’, In 约伯之工(The Labor of Job). Taipei: CCLM, 2013, pp. 189-213. Translated by David Kuo.
2012 ‘Engels’s Contradictions: A Reply to Tristram Hunt’. International Socialism: A Quarterly Journal of Socialist Theory 133 (Winter): 195-204.
2012 ‘Engels and Women, Intimately: Of Pleasure, Agency and Literary Worlds’. Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory 40.2: 161-78.
2011 ‘西方马克思主义与死亡’ (Western Marxism and Death). 基督教文化学刊 (Journal for the Study of Christian Culture, Renmin University, Beijing) 26: 231-49. Translated into Chinese by Wang Ruocun.
2011 ‘Theology and the Event: The Ambivalence of Alain Badiou’. Heythrop Journal 52.2: 234-59.
2011 ‘The Robbery of Language? On Roland Barthes and Myth’. Culture, Theory, and Critique 52.2-3: 213-31.
2011 ‘马克思主义与宗教—关于两者之相互关系的一个最新考察’ (Marxism and Religion Today – A Survey). 国外马克思主义报告(Foreign Marxism Research Report, Fudan University, Shanghai) 2011: 318-30. Translated into Chinese by Zhang Shuangli.
2011 ‘Marxism and Eschatology Reconsidered’. Mediations 25.1: 39-60.
2011 ‘Keeping the Faith: The Ambivalent Commitments of Friedrich Engels’. Studies in Religion / Sciences Religieuses 40.1: 63-79.
2011 ‘Kapitalfetisch: “The Religion of Everyday Life”’. International Critical Thought 1.4: 416-26.
2011 ‘The Fate of Christian Communism’. Minnesota Review 77: 111-30.
2010 ‘That Hideous Pagan Idol: Marx, Fetishism and Graven Images’. Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory38:1 (93): 93-116.
2010 ‘Revelation and Revolution: Friedrich Engels and the Apocalypse’. Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion 6.2: 1-23.Translated into Chinese as ‘启示与革命一恩格斯和末日启示’. 基督教文化学刊(Journal for the Study of Christian Culture, Renmin University, Beijing) 32 (2014): 109-37. Translated by Zhang Jing.
2009 ‘The New Old Atheists’, Australian Marxist Review 50 (November): 10-19. Also available at
2009 ‘The Full Story: On Marxism and Religion’. International Socialism: A Quarterly Journal of Socialist Theory 123 (Summer): 161-79. Translated into Chinese as ‘马克思主义与宗教’ in 国外理论动态(Foreign Theoretical Trends, China Communist Central Compilation and Translation Bureau) 2009/12: 27-34.
2009 ‘Apocalyptic and Apocalypticism in the Poetry of E. P. Thompson’, Spaces of Utopia 7: 34-53.
Marxist Economics of the Ancient World
2017 Time of Troubles: A New Economic Framework for Early Christianity. Co-authored with Christina Petterson. Minneapolis: Fortress (252 pp.).
2015 The Sacred Economy of Ancient Israel. Library of Ancient Israel. Louisville: Westminster John Knox (328 pp.).
2014 Idols of Nations: Biblical Myth at the Origins of Capitalism. Co-authored with Christina Petterson. Minneapolis: Fortress (207 pp.).
Book Chapters
Under review ‘Hugo Grotius: On Freedom of the Seas and Human Nature’. Christianity and Public International Law. Eds. John Haskell and Pamela Slotte. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
In press ‘Economic Relations Found in the Worlds of the Bible.’ Wealth and Poverty in the Biblical World: A Handbook. Ed. Matthew Coomber. Minneapolis: Fortress.
In press ‘Aspects of the Ancient Southwest Asian Economy: Production and Allocation.’ Wealth and Poverty in the Biblical World: A Handbook. Ed. Matthew Coomber. Minneapolis: Fortress.
2019 ‘Multinationality and the Utopian Project: The Case of Actually Existing Israel’. Imagined Worlds and Constructed Differences in the Hebrew Bible. Ed. Jeremiah Cataldo. London: T&T Clark, pp. 145-59.
2019 ‘Hand of the Master: Of Slaveholders and the Slave Relation’. Co-authored with Christina Petterson. Class Struggle and the New Testament. Ed. Robert Myles. Lanham: Lexington, pp. 139-52.
2018 ‘Nehemiah’. Postcolonial Commentary and the Old Testament. Ed. Hemchand Gossai. London: T&T Clark, pp. 195-208.
2018 ‘An Essay on Method’. Present and Future of Biblical Studies: Celebrating 25 Years of Brill’s Biblical Interpretation. Ed. Tat-siong Benny Liew. Leiden: Brill, pp. 15-32.
2016 ‘Modes of Production and Reading Labors on the Margins: Marxist Feminist Criticism of the Hebrew Bible’. Feminist Interpretation of the Bible in Retrospect, Volume 3: Methods. Ed. Susanne Scholz. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix, pp. 326-44.
2016 ‘Egypt as a Space of Fear and a Space of Hope’. Constructions of Space III: Biblical Spatiality and the Sacred. Eds. Jorunn Økland, J. Cornelis de Vos, and Karen J. Wenell. London: T&T Clark, pp. 23-36. Originally published as ‘葱,扁豆与肉锅:作为象征空间的埃及‘. In 解已经:圣经经文的释义学诠释. Ed. Zeng Qingbao (Chin Kenpa). Taipei: CCLM Publishing, 2008, pp. 83-99.
2016 ‘The Economic Politics of Biblical Narrative’. The Oxford Handbook of Biblical Narrative. Ed. Danna Nolan Fewell. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 529-39.
2015 ‘On the Feasibility of Subsistence Economics’. Reading the Bible in an Age of Crisis: Political Exegesis for a New Day. Ed. Bruce Worthington. Minneapolis: Fortress, pp. 109-30.
2014 ‘Economics’. Oxford Encyclopaedia of the Bible and Ethics. Ed. Robert Brawley. Oxford: Oxford University Press, vol. 1, pp. 200-7. (5,000 word article)
2013 ‘Materialist Criticism’. Oxford Encyclopaedia of Biblical Interpretation, Vol. 1. Ed. Steven McKenzie. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 550-58. (5000 word article)
2013 ‘Class Criticism’. Oxford Encyclopaedia of Biblical Interpretation, Vol. 1. Ed. Steven L. McKenzie. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 112-21. (5000 word article)
2009 ‘Resistance Versus Accommodation: What to Do With Romans 13?’ In Postcolonial Interventions: Essays in Honor of R.S. Sugirtharajah. Ed. Tat-siong Benny Liew. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix, pp. 109-22.
Journal Articles
2019 ‘Those Feet in Ancient Times: From Slave to Land (via Allegory)’. Co-authored with Christina Petterson. Annali del storia dell’ exegesi 36.1: 55-74.
2017 ‘Reconsidering Debt Remission in Light of the Ancient World’. Continental Thought and Theory 1.2: 293-305.
2016 ‘The Sacred Economy: A Reply to Interlocutors’. Horizons of Biblical Theology 38: 185-99.
2016 ‘庄园制与村社制: 论古代以色列神圣经济 (Estates and Village Communes: On the Sacred Economy of Ancient Israel)’. 圣经文学研究 (Journal for the Study of Biblical Literature) 13: 1-14. Translated by Hou Linmei.
2016 ‘谁之危机?—对古代西南亚历史范型的再思考 (Crisis for Whom? Reconsidering Historical Models of Ancient Southwest Asia)’. 圣经文学研究(Journal for the Study of Biblical Literature) 12: 45-61. Translated into Chinese by He Guijian.
2015 ‘西方马克思主义圣经研究方法’ (Western Marxist Approaches to the Bible). 圣经文学研究(Journal for the Study of Biblical Literature) 10: 122-36. Translated into Chinese by Li Panpan.
2014 ‘Fleets of Tarshish: Trading Ventures and Other Tall Tales of the Bible’. Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 24.1: 58-80.
2014 ‘特里·伊格尔顿:《路得记》中的阶级斗争’ (The Class Struggles of Ruth). 圣经文学研究 (Journal for the Study of Biblical Literature) 8: 297-325. Translated into Chinese by Zhang Jing.
2014 ‘Biting the Poor: On the Difference between Credit and Debt in Ancient Israel and Southwest Asia’. Journal of Religion and Society 16: 1-21.
2011 ‘Marxism and the Spatial Analysis of Early Christianity: The Contribution of G.E.M. de Ste. Croix’. Religion 41.3: 411-30.