Justin Beaumont is an Independent Scholar. Research Associate at the Center for Critical Research on Religion in Newton, MA in the US and Honorary Research Fellow at Queen Mary, he has a Ph.D. in human geography from Durham University (UK) and has held positions in the UK and the Netherlands. His books include: The Routledge Handbook of Postsecularity (Routledge 2018, Pb 2020), Exploring the Postsecular (co-edited with A. L. Molendijk and C. Jedan; Brill 2010); Postsecular Cities (co-edited with C. Baker; Continuum 2011); Faith-Based Organizations and Exclusion in European Cities (co-edited with P. Cloke; Policy Press 2012); and Working Faith (co-edited with P. Cloke and A. Williams; Paternoster 2013). His research blends human geography and urban studies with social justice, critical theory, existential philosophy, decolonial thought, and postsecularity. He’s currently working on a single-authored monograph Enlightened City at Palgrave Macmillan, a second edition of The Handbook at Routledge with Professor Manaz Ratti at Salisbury, and new research on religion, postsecularity and the urban with Professor Chris Baker at Goldsmiths.
Justin Beaumont

Justin’s international and multidisciplinary research develops a keen sense of how social science focuses on issues of social and spatial justice, including a dynamic appreciation of how cities in a global, decolonial context are understood and developed as progressively political and ethically enlightened assemblages. He deals with three interrelated strands of inquiry:
(1) spatial and temporal variation in reflexive secularization, decolonial urban postsecularity, and the embrace of progressive postsecular politics of hope in the enlightened city;
(3) reflexive humanization and the recovery of the subjective value of “human” in decolonial postsecular analyses of the urban as metaphor for the whole.
Keywords: reflexive secularization; decolonial urban postsecularity; progressive politics of hope; critical theory; decolonial thought; enlightened city.
Beaumont, J. (2023) Enlightened City: an inquiry into postsecular urban space, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Refereed Journal Articles
Beaumont, J. R. and E. Z. Mendieta (2023) ‘Decolonial urban postsecularity’, Theory, Culture & Society, in preparation
Beaumont, J. R. (2022) ‘The enlightened city’, Political Geography, 97(August): Article 102616.
Beaumont, J. R. (2008) ‘Faith action on urban social issues’, Urban Studies, 45(10): 2019-34.
Contributions to Edited Volumes
Beaumont, J. R. (2004) ‘Workfare, associationism and the “underclass” in the United States: contrasting faith-based action on urban poverty in a liberal welfare regime’. In Noordegraaf, H. and R. Volz (eds) European Churches Confronting Poverty: social action against social exclusion, Bochum: SWI Verlag, pp. 249-78.
Beaumont, J., Loopmans, M. and J. Uitermark (2003) ‘Sustainability and politics of scholarship in policy-oriented research: analysing neighbourhoods in Belgium, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom’. In Schmitz, S. and H. Meert (eds) Evaluer la capacité du milieu – De capaciteit van het milieu geëvalueerd. Les Journées des Géographes Belges – De Belgische Geografendagen, Liège: Editions BEVAS/SOBEG, pp. 137-43.
Davelaar, M., Van den Toorn, J., De Witte, N., Beaumont, J. Kuiper, C. (2011). Faith-based Organisations and Social Exclusion in The Netherlands. Leuven: Acco.
Beaumont, J., Carta, G., Cloke, P., Davelaar, M., van den Toorn, J., Thomas, S. and A. Williams (2010) ‘Transnational comparison of the religious dimension’, Internal working paper for the EU-7FP FACIT project: Faith-based organizations and exclusion in European cities, November.
Dias, C. and J. Beaumont (2008) Book Review: Hans Knippenberg ed. The Changing Religious Landscape of Europe, The Geographical Journal, 174(1): 88-9.
Beaumont, J. R. (2007) ‘Introduction’, UCSIA Dialogue Series 11: Faith-based organizations and poverty in the city, Antwerp: UCSIA, pp.7-13.
Beaumont, J. R. and H. Noordegraaf (2007) ‘Aid under protest: churches against poverty in The Netherlands’, Dialogue Series 11: Faith-based organizations and poverty in the city, Antwerp: UCSIA, pp.41-59.
Zeelenberg, S. and J. Beaumont (2007) Book Review: Philip Booth and Bernard Jouve eds. Metropolitan Democracies: transformations of the state and urban policy in Canada, France and Great Britain, European Journal of Housing Policy, 7(4): 459-63.
Bailey, A. and J. Beaumont (2006) Book Review: Tajla Blokland, Urban Bonds, Antipode, 38(5): 1085-88.
Beaumont, J. R. (2006) Book Review: Rob Imrie and Mike Raco eds., Urban Renaissance? New Labour, community and urban policy, Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 21(4): 459-61.
Beaumont, J. and A. E. Brouwer (2006) ‘Een decentraal bestuur heeft de toekomst: verplaatsing van macht’, Locomotie: tijdschrift voor onafhankelijke politiek, 8(29):11-13.
Zeelenberg, S. and J. Beaumont (2006) Book Review: Samuel Fleischacker, A Short History of Distributive Justice, Progress in Human Geography, 30(6).
Beaumont, J. (2005) ‘Regiopolitiek en mondialisering’, Agora, 21(4): 34-6.
Beaumont, J. (2005) ‘Territoria, relaties en stromen: regiopolitiek in en tijdperk van globalisering’, S&RO, no. 2: 10-19.
Beaumont, J. R. (2005) ‘“Governance”, decentralisatie en de opkomst van locale democratie?’, Agora, 21(2): 42-4.
Beaumont, J., Groep, R. van der, Loopmans, M., Plug, R. and J. Uitermark (2005) ‘De politiek van onderzoek’, Agora, 21(1): 4-6.
Beaumont, J. R. (2004) ‘Geloven in armoedebestrijding: geloofsgeïnspireerde actie tegen stedelijke armoede binnen een liberale staat’, Agora, 20(5): 29-32.
Beaumont, J. R. (2004) ‘Governance en armoedebestrijding’, Rooilijn, nummer 5(mei): 238-42.
Beaumont, J. R. (2004) ‘Balanceren tussen “legaliteit” en “illegaliteit” in Rotterdam: een interview met Patrice van de Vorst’, Agora 20(3): 30-2.
Beaumont, J., Rusinovic, K. and M. Wevers (2004) ‘De schaduw stad belicht: een verkenning van de relatie tussen de stedelijke formele- en informele sfeer’, Agora, 20(3): 4-5.6
Beaumont, J. R. (2004) ‘Contra de neo-liberale visie op industriebeleid: een pleidooi voor een herijking van de politiekedimensie’, Agora, 20(1): 38-41.
Beunderman, J and J. Beaumont (2003) ‘De stad kijkt de andere kant uit: nieuwe stedelijke armoede, stedelijk beleid, nieuw moralisme, Agora, 19(1): 4-7.
Van der Vet, J. and J. Beaumont (2003) ‘’De luxe om langs elkaar te leven is voorbij”: het Beraad van Kerken, Moskeeën en Mandirs in Rotterdam-West’, Agora, 19(5): 24-6.
Beaumont, J. R. (2002) ‘Van der kerk naar de staat en weer terug’, Agora, 18(4): 30-2.
Beaumont, J., Burgers, J., Dekker, K., Dukes, T., Den Hoedt, S. and R. Staring (2002) Urban Governance, Social Inclusion and Sustainability: the cross-evaluation report on The Netherlands, Utrecht: Urban and Regional research centre Utrecht (URU), Utrecht University.
Dekker, K., Beaumont, J. and R. van Kempen (2002) Urban Development Programmes in the Hague: a preliminary assessment, Utrecht: Urban and Regional research centre Utrecht (URU), Utrecht University.
Hamnett, C. and J. Beaumont (2002) ‘London: regeneration and combating social exclusion’. In Kesteloot, C. (ed.) Urban Territorial Policies and their Effects at the Neighbourhood Level, URBEX report no. 21, Amsterdam: AME
Beaumont, J. R. and C. Hamnett (2001) Comparison of Social Exclusion and Integration in Two Neighbourhoods, United Kingdom: London, URBEX report no.15, Amsterdam: AME.
Beaumont, J. R., Hamnett, C. Lee, P. and A. Murie (2000) Comparative Statistical Analysis at National, Metropolitan, Local and Neighbourhood Level, United Kingdom: London and Birmingham, URBEX report no.7, Amsterdam: AME.