Craig Martin

A Critical Introduction to the Study of Religion, Second Edition. Routledge Publishing (2017).
Capitalizing Religion: Ideology and the Opiate of the Bourgeoisie. Bloomsbury Publishing (2014).
A Critical Introduction to the Study of Religion. Equinox Publishing (2012).
Articles and Book Chapters
“Definition and the Politics of Semantic Drift: A Reply to Susan Henking.” In Religion is …: Debating the Academic Study of Religion, ed. by Russell T. McCutcheon and Aaron Hughes. Oxford University Press (forthcoming).
“Religion is …, Not Like Science: A Response to Laurie Zoloth. In Religion is …: Debating the Academic Study of Religion, ed. by Russell T. McCutcheon and Aaron Hughes. Oxford University Press (forthcoming).
“Do People Misunderstand Their Own Religion?” In Fabricating Authenticity, ed. by Andie Alexander and Jason Ellsworth. Equinox Publishing (forthcoming).
“Rejoinder.” Method and Theory in the Study of Religion 29/4-5 (2017).
“’Yes, … but …’: The Neo-Perennialists.” Method and Theory in the Study of Religion 29/4-5 (2017).
“Capitalizing Religion: A Rejoinder to Critique.” Religion 46/3 (2016).
“Theses on the Critique of ‘Religion.’” Critical Research on Religion 3/3(2015).
“What Is Religion?” Political Theology 15/6 (2014). (Refereed)
“Jesus’ Empire or the Empire’s Jesus?” Method and Theory in the Study of Religion 26/2 (2014).
“On the Totems of Science and Capitalism.” Implicit Religion 15/1 (2012). (Refereed)
“On the Origin of the Private Sphere: A Discourse Analysis of Religion and Politics from Luther to Locke.” Temenos 45/2 (2009). (Refereed)
“Delimiting Religion.” Method and Theory in the Study of Religion 21 (2009).
“On Using Religion, Or, How to Make Descriptions Carry Imperatives.” Council of Societies for the Study of Religion Bulletin, 36/4 (2007).
“Policing Values and the Private Judgment of the Magistrate.” Council of Societies for the Study of Religion Bulletin, 35/4 (2006).