March 6th 2025 UTC
*The Power of Marxist Thought* York University, Toronto /Friday & Saturday, 26–27 September 2025/ CALL FOR PAPERS Claims about the importance of Marxism typically and understandably focus on its historic role in analyzing political, social and economic life. This conference will assess the impact and importance of Marxism in the context of the wider intellectual realm, and how central theory is to its very existence. We seek papers by scholars from across disciplines, including but not limited to anthropology, ec ...Continue Reading
February 22nd 2025 UTC
Dear Colleagues, The Sociology of Religion Unit of the American Academy of Religion (AAR) is happy to announce our CFP for the AAR Annual Meeting held Nov. 22-25, 2025, in Boston. Proposals are due on *March 3, 2024, at 5:00 EST*. You can find our CFP below the signature line of this email, or visit our webpage here: Instructions for submitting proposals can be found here: ...Continue Reading
January 3rd 2025 UTC
Dear List, Here is a good one: Job Announcement: Professorship in Critical Religion Studies and Comparative Philosophy, Ghent University Warren S. Goldstein, PhD Cener for Critical Research on Religion goldstein@PROTECTED ...Continue Reading
December 4th 2024 UTC
Critical Research on Religion Volume 12 Issue 3, December 2024 Special Issue: Genders, Sexualities, and Theopastoral Imaginations in Southeast Asia Guest Editors: Joseph N. Goh and Michael Sepidoza Campos Table of Contents: Introduction: “Coming in and finding ground: Genders, sexualities, and theopastoral imaginations in Southeast Asia” by Joseph N. Goh and Michael Sepidoza Campos Articles: 1. “Who am I? Whom can I love? And why me? Queer Christians and the spi ...Continue Reading
November 22nd 2024 UTC
Dear Colleagues, The Sociology of Religion Unit is excited to share with you our sessions for this year’s AAR annual meeting. We also invite you to join us for our business meeting on *Sunday, Nov. 24* at 2:00-2:30, which is at the tail end of our 12:30-2:30 session. We would love to hear your ideas for next year's CFP! We also have an opening on our steering committee, so we welcome you to contact us about serving on the steering committee or participating in our unit. Saturday, Nov. 23, 3:00-4:30 *Atheist Influe ...Continue Reading
September 18th 2024 UTC
CURA's symposium on the Jewish left is now out in the journal Critical Research on Religion. For a limited time, these timely essays are available open access. Click the images or titles below to read the four essays:[*]"Introduction to the Symposium in the Jewish Left" by Jeremy Menchik[*]“Beyond Zionism and Anti-Zionism: A Future of the American Jewish Left and the Negation of the ‘Negation of the Diaspora’” by Shaul Magid[*]“What is “Jewish” about the Jewish Left in Palestine/Israel?” by Atal ...Continue Reading
September 4th 2024 UTC
Critical Research on Religion Volume: 12, Number: 2 (August 2024) Table of Contents Articles: “Instantiations of alterity: The goy as modern subject” by Sergey Dolgopolski and Jonathan Boyarin “Mohammad Nakhshab’s concept of dialectical Tawhid: Vitalism and the question of monotheism” by Babak Rahimi “The incurably incredulous living saint: a multidisciplinary approach to Mother Teresa’s spiritual darkness” by Gëzim Alpion “An analysis of the attacks on Christian ...Continue Reading
September 3rd 2024 UTC
Dear List, Attached you will find a cfp for a conference on Religious World Making to be held at Science Po, Paris, Nov 25-26, 2024 ----------------------------------------------- *Warren S. Goldstein*, Ph.D. Center for Critical Research on Religion 1340 Centre Street, Suite 103 Newton Centre, MA 02459 USA 1(617) 678-2180 goldstein@PROTECTED Editor /Critical Research on Religion/ Series Editor Studies in Critical Research on Relig ...Continue Reading
May 21st 2024 UTC
CRR CUHK Conference Poster ...Continue Reading
May 8th 2024 UTC
Dear List: Below you will find a link to a call for papers for a conference on Thomas Merton and Religion to be held on Saturday, October 26th. The deadline for proposals is August 15, 2024: ...Continue Reading
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This is the listserve of The Center for Critical Research on Religion ( The Center publishes the journal Critical Research on Religion with SAGE Publications ( and the book series "Studies in Critical Research on Religion" in hardcover with Brill Academic Publishers ( and in paperback with Haymarket books (
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