FW: [Marxist Section] International Social Theory Consortium......for Marxists, Neo Marxist, Anarcho Syndicalists Anti--fa etc

From: "Warren S. Goldstein goldstein@PROTECTED [Center for Critical Research on Religion Listserve]" <ccrr_listserve@PROTECTED>
Subject: FW: [Marxist Section] International Social Theory Consortium......for Marxists, Neo Marxist, Anarcho Syndicalists Anti--fa etc
Date: February 16th 2018

From: discussion <discussion-bounces@PROTECTED> on behalf of "Langman, Lauren" <Llangma@PROTECTED>
Reply-To: "Section on Marxist Sociology (SMS) discussion listserv" <discussion@PROTECTED>
Date: Thursday, February 15, 2018 at 10:38 PM
To: "Section on Marxist Sociology (SMS) discussion listserv" <discussion@PROTECTED>
Subject: [Marxist Section] International Social Theory Consortium......for Marxists, Neo Marxist, Anarcho Syndicalists Anti--fa etc

Cone one, come all to the ISTC  conference in  Chicago,   like city of Hay market riot and now Hay-market Books. IWW,
Pullman and Republic windows.    Send abstracts,  suggestions for panels to me and to Harry Dahhms,  and enjoy 3 days of critique.   And if you like Chicago,  come back early Judy for the Socialism conference.

Cheers, Lauren

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