FW: Death of Peter Berger

From: "Warren S. Goldstein goldstein@PROTECTED [Center for Critical Research on Religion Listserve]" <ccrr_listserve@PROTECTED>
Subject: FW: Death of Peter Berger
In-Reply-To: (no subject)
Date: June 28th 2017

From: Religion Announcement <RELIGION-ANNOUNCE@PROTECTED> on behalf of "Steensland, Brian" <bsteens@PROTECTED>
Reply-To: "Steensland, Brian" <bsteens@PROTECTED>
Date: Wednesday, June 28, 2017 at 5:34 PM
Subject: Death of Peter Berger

Dear colleagues: I write with sadness to pass on the news that Peter Berger, a towering intellect in our field for over 50 years, died late Tuesday evening. Although his death was somewhat unexpected, he had suffered a number of complications from a recent illness. Berger was Professor Emeritus of Religion, Sociology, and Theology at Boston University and the author of many influential books, including The Sacred Canopy, A Rumor of Angels, The Desecularization of the World, and The Many Altars of Modernity. His son Thomas Berger is Professor of International Relations at Boston University's Pardee School, and his wife Brigitte Berger, who died in 2015, was Professor Emerita of Sociology at Boston University.

It is anticipated that a memorial service will be held in the fall. The sociology of religion community will want to honor his contributions to our field.  There will no doubt be more details emerging in the weeks ahead.


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